Toposys Applications Meeting


17 November 2014, 9am to 4pm.


Seminar room 304, Teknikringen 14, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.


Single day workshop to the purpose of acquainting the Toposys nodes with the robotics and applications groups at CVAP. Local researchers will demonstrate the local resources, and present problems that might have geometric or topological inroads. The Toposys nodes will demonstrate the philosophies and potentials in our ongoing research directions.

Local info

KTH recommends lodging at Hotel Arcadia, walking distance from everything else. We can help with booking from KTH, and then need to know:

  • Date of arrival/departure
  • Name and contact data for lodgers


Sunday Nov. 16:
18.30 Joint dinner at Rydbergs Matsal.

Monday Nov 17: (preliminary)

08.55: Welcome

9-11: Local research presentations
09.00: Carl-Henrik Ek
09.15: Danica Kragic
09.30: Patric Jensfelt
09.45: Wojciech Chacholski
10.00: Coffee break
10.30: Venkateshan Kannan: Computational Medicine, Karolinska Institutet
10.45: Josephine Sullivan

11.00-12.15: CVAP Seminar “Topological Methods”
Marian Mrozek and Herbert Edelsbrunner

12.30-13.30: Lunch

13.30-16.00: Local research presentations; Discussions

13.30: Johan Hoffman: HPCViz and the Visualization Lab
13.45: Petter Ögren
14.00: Atsuto Maki
14.15: Christian Smith: Guided tour of the robotics lab

15.00: Coffee


Current confirmed participants:

  • Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson (KTH)
  • Florian Pokorny (KTH)
  • Moshe Cohen (Technion)
  • Antonio Rieser (Technion)
  • Marian Mrozek (UJ)
  • Mateusz Juda (UJ)
  • Tomek Kapela (UJ)
  • Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST)
  • Primoz Skraba (JSI)